Your Dog and Heatstroke. Hot Weather Safety Tips.
Temperatures are rising. As pet owners we should be aware of dangerous to deadly summertime dangers such as: Not overexerting your pets on hot/muggy days, Making sure they have plenty of water, Not walking your pet on hot pavement and not leaving your pet in a parked car. Heatstroke can occur very easily when the normal cooling mechanisms of a dog such as panting, sweating through their feet pads and nose can't keep their body temperature in a safe range. If you suspect your dog is suffering from heatstroke you should contact your vet immediately. Symptoms of heatstroke include: Excessive or exaggerated panting Excessive thirst Lethargy and weakness Warm/dry skin Excessive drooling High fever Dark red gums Rapid heartbeat Unresponsiveness to commands and surroundings Vomiting/diarrhea Collapse /seizure Staring/anxious expression Shock/coma Cooling your pet in case...